ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015,ISO TS 16949:2016 i OHSAS 18001:2010. We at Zupčanik d.o.o, working in production and services,keep a correct relationship with the customers, business partners, employees all people we can. The reputation and recognition we have in environment and business and social sphere, have been acquired through long-term work and are constantly making quality products through time. Our aspiration is to deliver products and provide services that satisfy the wishes and the needs of our customers.
The quality in the society se s reflected through the services of ready-to-read readiness, accuracy and reliability, which is recognized on the market of the whole Europe - this is a quality that can be trusted. Customers processes resulted in the fact that customers chose Zupčanik d.o.o as a reliable partner
Each individual worker in Zupčanik d.o.o. is involved and committed to attaining quality standards according to our customers, business partners and society as a whole. Also, each individual worker is responsible for safety at work, where by implementing the established rules and instructions an environment for safe work is created
Zupcanik is in charge of protecting the health and safety of workers, both at work place, and for the long-term preservation of the health of workers
Protection of the health and safety of workers in Zupčanik doo is also reflected in the identification of all potential hazards, with appropriate measures being taken to prevent accidents and eliminate them the risk, which in case of inability to avoid, is reduced to an acceptable level.
We are aware of the fact that the Management System is dynamic and comprehensive. We believe a special emphasis should be put on the environment and its role in the governance process. The activities we perform on a daily basis are certainly closely related to the environment, at what we strive for is the same kind of positive character, and if it is not possible, then it's negative aspects are reduced to a minimum level, they are controlled and properly monitored.
Raising awareness of quality, TS, environmental protection and protection of health and safety of workers in our work The environment, among our employees and our customers, business partners and the society as a whole is a part of our core business policy.
Zupčanik d.o.o sticks to the development and improvement of their integrated management system in accordance with requirements ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, ISO TS 16949: 2016 and OHSAS 18001: 2007.